
Rabu, 30 April 2014

Business Today

Business Tourism

Right now many business emerging small-scale tourist agencies, and generally run by individuals. This business is no longer sets a quota of participants in large numbers. When participants consists of only one family or one group of participants was small, participants will still be dispatched. With a limited number of participants, the atmosphere is intimate and family will be awakened. In the experience of some tourism businesses, the success of their business is because it relies on the community. It usually starts from the streets have a hobby and experience that are in for it to friends. All documentation of the holiday, such as during a holiday photo uploads to social media. From that typically arise when the response and would like to participate go on vacation again.

Usually used as a benefit of this opportunity to make business Travel. Then the businessman began to focus explore places in Indonesia. Like visiting Karimun Jawa, Raja Ampat, Derawan and. Costs incurred is not too big, about Rp 3.5 million to Rp 6 million. That does not include tickets to the destination. Travel usually only provide lodging, meals during the week, as well as marine and land transportation while there. The higher the cost the more facilities are used.

Many islands in Indonesia, which is gorgeous and has not visited by many people is a great opportunity for tourism in Indonesia, of course, open up business opportunities for tourism businesses, such as Travel. All travel agents, both individuals and companies have different characteristic. Usually the tourist business is highly dependent on the community because they are the majority who participated in the streets. Although the goal is the islands of Indonesia, Travel agents must be very selective in choosing sites. Must choose the islands that have good infrastructure. At a minimum, he said, the island has adequate accommodation and toilet. In addition to the community, which is no less important factor in the tourist business is destination tourist sites. 

There are also examples of streets hobbyist group founded in 2006 is the focus of exploring the island of Java. "All the tourist attractions on the island of Java, we were the masters," said Brewok, co-founder of Community Highways. This community is formed by accident. In 2006 the festival was held Borobudur Photos. Beard and his friends want to come there for free. Terpikirlah to invite some friends as much as possible, and he took a profit on it. "It was collected 23 people, and each paying $ 500 thousand," he explained. Returning from there, Brewok was thought to make the tourist business. Emerged was the name "Free Way". Admitted beard, he was deliberately focused on the island of Java. All the tourist attractions on the island they are ready to explore. Focus on one place that makes the marketability Community Highways. Anyone who wants to tour the island of Java, will recall with Highways. Each organizes, Brewok always make a special group of participants who took part in the tour. As a result, the participants became more close and intimate. "In fact, many have asked for Bira Island travel event, Edge tiles, Kawah Ratu," he says. According Brewok, although the marketability of Highways only on the island of Java, it turns out quite a lot of interested participants. "Java was very interesting to explore," he explained. In addition to focusing on the tourist island of Java, Brewok also emphasizes the concept of family in Highways. Each member who participated traveled here are guaranteed to be like family. Therefore, at Free Way has never known "plane". "All the participants who traveled always wanted to do a road, wherever it is. Can bus, car, or train, "he said. Beard sure, by land that the participants will be familiar with each other and tell each other. "Just like family," he explained. Preparation before the tour is done very mature. Beard and friends did a survey one month before departure. Are surveyed, transportation, lodging, meals, and tourist attractions. "We also calculate how long the distance. And we also think of the activities that made there so that the participants do not get bored, "he said.

That's some example of groups as well as the streets of Travel. Furthermore, I will discusses tourist areas in eastern Indonesia that need to be developed by the government in order to attract local and international travelers.

As a region that consists of many islands, the government will strengthen the development of marine-related travel such as diving, and snorkeling. Includes special interest tours and sailboat cruises in eastern Indonesia.

Eastern Indonesia is not only rich in underwater beauty, but also superior in terms of culture and conservation parks or tourism. The type of special interest, he said, was not intended for mass tourists visiting, but more concerned with the quality of long-stay and total costs incurred during the vacation.

As for potential travelers to vacation in the region, among others, came from Europe, America, and Japan. While for most of the sightseeing cruise from Australia. If for Asian countries, such as China have been seen but not too significant. But the potential market for middle-class society began to grow, the desire berliburnya was already high. Chairman of the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (ARDI) Sukamdani Jackie said that this marine tourism has huge potential to be developed in Eastern Indonesia with the target market being targeted are from China. "The Chinese market is very important because of their increasing number of middle class, who are interested too many young people so that they would be very interested in marine tourism. In addition to China, we will cover also for Korea, and Japan, "he said. In addition, historical and cultural tourism potential can also be developed. However, a major challenge to develop tourism in the area east, in addition to necessary infrastructure improvements, as well as human resource development. Let's say, by developing special tours in eastern Indonesia will ensure the continuity of nature in the region. 

Special Guest is usually more responsible towards the environment. They traveled well in a long period of time, also doing research. Dominate foreign tourist visits in the eastern region came from European countries and the United States. But do not rule out the possibility of tourists from Asia in 2014 increased his visit. Tourist destination is still a favorite in Eastern Indonesia is Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. The area was designated as Corridor V in the tourist area of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia (MP3EI) since 2011.

According to statistics, in the last two years there is an increase in traffic in the area of West Nusa Tenggara, for example, which rose sharply by 887 thousand people in 2011 and in 2013 reached 1.2 million people. To support connectivity in the region of West Nusa Tenggara, is now being developed with the construction of Lombok International Airport to build runaway from 2,750 meters to 3,000 meters, so the Boeing 747 can land. In addition, the government also plans to develop the area Mendelika to build a road linking the southern shores of Lombok. 

Reference :

NPM : 18210504

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